September is the month where all of Atlanta's major liquor distributors have their annual trade shows! Now I know what your thinking, I have a severe learning disability and Im having my government assigned social worker read this blog to me out loud between her many smoke breaks and have no earthly idea what a "Spirits & Wine trade show" is. Well to put it simply its a big convention where all the brands and their stuff shirt sales reps get together to showcase their wares in some big convention hall. How is this fun you might ask?! FREE BOOZE! yeah and ah you learn stuff. The whole thing is catered for the most part and the places are chucked full of booths and tables where popular brands try to sell their latest ridiculous products such as Pinnacle's "Cotton Candy" flavored vodka! (Thats not a joke BTW). So I basically wander around and just drink and eat, not without consequence I might add. I seem to recall drinking a half-pint of Paddys Irish Whiskey at an Empire after party and blacking out, but th

Here are some of the products that really stuck out for me. In the whiskey/ scotch department. I had a wonderfully experience with "Elijah Craig" Bourbon, Ive been trying to get my hands on that for a while now. The Talisker brands of scotch also deserved much merrit, and finally the Ron Zacappa XO Anejo Rum was hands down the show stoppah! I highly recommend it... in fact I think I might end up carrying it at the store, like I need an excuse to carry more rare and exquisite booze!
Me going for the Elijah Craig, next to me empire sales lady who should look alarmed.
In the beer category I have to give much ups to Unibroue and their new apple zest beer "Ephemere" quite delicious! Ill tell you what though, I'm glad these things come around once a year, you defiantly cannot stick me in a room full of chicks in bikinis wearing only body paint handing me free 20 year old scotchs and not expect a little bit of trouble! What can I say I'm only human! That being said I give props to the people from; Empire, National Bev, and Georgia Crown Dist. for throwing some grade A shindigs! The crowning show goes to National, bravo boys you crippled the opposition with your fine assortment of cheeses, cured deli meats, and bacon flavored vodkas!

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